SAT Campos de Granada's members are outstanding farmers committed to and aware of the needs of the European market, cultivating our vegetables with care and dedication.
SAT Campos de Granada's technical department plans each year's plantings in coordination with its members, offering a total of 35 different crops. Of special note are its cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and different varieties of peppers.
We have always anticipated the needs of both farmers and customers, responding to society’s demands. SAT Campos de Granada is an agrarian processing cooperative founded in 2012, in 2016 incorporating the staff of Fulgencio Spa SL and its good farmers after relying on the fine commercialisation work done by their team for decades. The new company has taken over all the product commercialisation activity of Fulgencio Spa S.L.’s growers, in order to improve the organisation and marketing of the growers’ overall production, making them members of SAT. SAT Campos de Granada was created with the aim of improving agricultural production planning. Thanks to its corporate culture and honest daily efforts, in which a prime is placed on personalised service for farmers, it continues to grow and generate trust amongst the members comprising it. The fact that the producers' efforts are being rewarded with grants is a great incentive to achieve improved results.